Strauch Mini Floor Skeinwinder

can be shipped within 30 days

  1. Most important to remember:
  2. Our Mini Swift/Skeinwinder will hold a skein up to a maximum of ONE YARD in circumference.
  3. The standard size for many commercial skeins is one and a half yards in circumference or larger. If you will be working primarily with these larger commercial skeins you must use our Standard Swift/Skeinwinder. They will hold skeins up to two yards in circumference.


Introduced in May 2013, this addition to the Strauch Fiber Equipment line of Swift/skeinwinders uses a smaller umbrella section. It's designed for artists that want to make their own small skeins or are working with embroidery yarn.  

If you already have one of our standard Swift/Skeinwinders and also want a Mini, you need only to purchase the Mini umbrella section. It fits into both of our standard floor and table bases.

Product variations